I am a computer science and mathematics enthusiast. In my spare time, I read holy books of computer science and mathematics. The rest of the time, I worship to Alan Turing. At the laboratory, you can see my experiments. For my projects, please check out my portfolio.
Soon in Google Play Store! Planart is a planner app that merges todo with artworks. I was a participant in Google Game and Application Academy, where I learned Flutter/Dart. Users can choose any artist and artwork for the planner background.
Delta Proje is a company that makes and sells hydraulic systems. They wanted me to create a website for workflow management, employee management, car management.
Onion Architecture and N-th Layer Architecture require SO MANY boilerplate codes. So I coded something that enables creating ENTIRE boilerplate code by using entities.
My undergraduate thesis was about solving ordinary differential equations using machine learning. I used torchdiffeq and transformed it into ordinary differential equations from partial differential equations.
I am a math graduate and took "Mathematics of Financial Derivatives" where I learned how financial instruments work. I coded every formula and algorithm.
Kolbaslar is an auto spare parts retailer. They wanted a basic management program to track their parts and cars. This was a collaborative project using .NET MVC to create a fully-functional website.
In my participation of Gelecegi Yazanlar Turkcell, this project was given by our instructor as a graduation project. The task was creating a survey app using .NET. To create anonymous surveys, I used JWT tokens. As an admin user, you can create surveys and see the results in charts.
I was learning C/C++ and wanted to create a physics engine.
- Some of the ODE solvers: RK4-5, Euler Method, Dopri
- Vector Addition Simulation / Net Force Simulation
- Free Fall Simulation
- Projectile Motion Simulation
Once upon a time, I was interested in creating blogs using .NET. However, I did not want to use some well-known text editor. So I just created a new one.
I was learning Spring Boot framework. I wanted to use bearer token feature. Unfortunately, there was no deployment and documentation was old. Web was also confusing. So I created a starter code for Spring Boot Security.
I was learning JavaScript for fun and created a very simple Student Manager app without database operations.
I remember that I thought on this so much. I created users using H2 database and made some transactions in them. Later, I created a different version using .NET.
I was a participant in the certificates program Gelcegi Yazalar Genclere Yatirim. I learned a lot, including how to build an MVC and MVP banking app, which was my first homework in the program.
I wanted to replicate Jira. Turns out that Jira cannot be created by one person :D. So I quit. However, I learned a lot about Agile and Scrum. I also learned how to create to do lists and how to manage them. I also learned how to create a Kanban board.